Nimble and Effective Social Media Strategy

Abortion Access in PA

In 2022, working with the ACLU of Pennsylvania, I created a series of videos addressing abortion access in Pennsylvania. These shorts, produced for social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, featured interviews with abortion funders, providers, and advocates.


Leading up to the Dobbs decision, I collaborated with social justice and abortion advocates in Pennsylvania to develop a messaging strategy aimed at raising awareness of the threat to abortion access in the state. Our goal was to inform and empower people, as many were unaware of the precarious position of abortion rights.

To leverage the popularity of video content on social media, we created a series of videos featuring conversations with abortion advocates, funders, and providers.

Responding to the Dobbs Decision Leak

Although the Dobbs decision leaked a month earlier than expected, we were prepared and launched the first video in our series the following day, followed by two more shortly thereafter. The videos not only informed viewers about the situation, but also provided actionable steps to take to get involved and stay informed.

Based on the response to the campaign, it was evident that the campaign,as well as it's timing, had resonated with our audience and encouraged them to take action.


This campaign reinforced several important practices that I always bring to every project:

  • Collaboration: By working closely with those directly impacted by social injustice, we can gain a deeper understanding of their experiences and needs, enabling us to create messaging that resonates with our audience.
  • Planning: Through advance planning and preparation, we were able to hit the ground running when the Dobbs decision leaked. This allowed us to provide valuable information and support to people who were concerned about the situation.
  • Content Strategy: Social media is a rapidly changing landscape, and it's essential to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and platforms. By doing so, we can tailor our messaging to reach our target audience effectively.
  • Flexibility: Success in social media's quickly moving environments requires the ability to be nimble and change directions based on feedback, data, or new conditions (such as a leaked SCOTUS decision).

Social media can be a powerful tool for social change. By working collaboratively, planning ahead, staying nimble, and adopting a smart content strategy, we can create campaigns that inform, inspire, and motivate people to take action.